MAP Digital’s Virtual Event Portraits: from the Ballroom to the Kitchen Table

MAP Digital Inc.
4 min readOct 20, 2020

BobbiAnn Zaccarelli

BobbiAnn Zaccarelli, Senior Producer and Compliance Director, MAP Digital, Inc. Linkedin and Twitter.

How long have you worked for MAP Digital?

In all, I’ve worked for MAP Digital for seven years. The first four years I was a full-time staff member. A few years ago, I decided to move out of New York City and try the freelance life. However, I never really left MAP Digital. I have been working for them part-time in different capacities for the last three years. Since the COVID 19 pandemic started, I’ve certainly found my way back into the MAP fold in a big way!

What is your role with MAP Digital?

I’ve produced many of our live digital and now all-virtual events. However, over the last seven years, I have found myself wearing a number of additional hats. I set up and organized our then new office/studio at 56 Ludlow in NYC and integrated our HR and payroll systems. I was on the design and product management team for our MetaMeetings platform, making sure the functionality enhanced our production of events. Most recently I have managed our compliance policies and recruited, trained and on-boarded scores of technical talent that MAP Digital now needs to produce our vast uptick in virtual and soon hybrid events. It has been very interesting to have to conceptualize events in a whole new way. I suppose my function with MAP Digital is producer/project manager. Basically, if there’s a hat that needs wearing, it finds my head. 😊

What did you do prior to MAP Digital?

Before working at MAP Digital, I worked in many different industries — TV, software, venture capital, production — but my work has always been focused on producing live events and using technology to improve related processes. Nearly every job I have had has required juggling multiple roles, identifying gaps in processes, and implementing improvements.

How do you see the events space changing in the age of COVID?

Well, disinfecting all surfaces will be added to the scope of work for every project! I don’t think the virtual side of events is going anywhere. Before the pandemic, there were many events that were streaming their content. I think there is going to be even more of an appetite for that once things return to “normal”. The fact that right now you can watch a discussion, see a concert, take a yoga class from the comfort of your home — that’s very inviting. Also, before COVID-19, the general public maybe wasn’t as comfortable with the concept of watching a stream or using video conferencing tools. Now that those tools are a part of daily life, I think people will keep using them even when the world opens up. Don’t get me wrong — people will be thrilled to get face time with their colleagues and friends again, but I think organizers will take advantage of their ability to reach a larger audience and attendees will be excited to add new options to their list of what to do on the weekend.

What are you enjoying most about working from home?

I’ve been working from home for a few years now, but now that everyone has to do it, I’m finding it much more comfortable than before. So, now I’m not the only odd one out. I love the flexibility that working at home provides. Mostly I love wearing whatever I want, whenever I want: soft pants always and forever.

What is your funniest COVID WFH story?

I wish I had a better answer to this question. Some of my Zoom interactions with speakers at our virtual conferences have been lovely and hilarious. In general, it’s fun to interact with VIP speakers because they are in their home environment trying to figure out this new world just like the rest of us.

What is the most challenging part about this ‘new normal’?

Not being able to travel. As an introvert, I very much enjoy being in isolation. However, I miss the option to hop on a plane to NYC to visit my friends and family. Above all, the best part of event production is being with your crew. It is great that some of us can keep the industry alive virtually, but nothing can replace the feeling of getting it done in person. Some of my favorite people on the planet work at MAP Digital, so not being able to have a drink with them after a long conference day is a BUMMER.

BobbiAnn Zaccarelli with Wil Farr (MAP Digital Room Technician)

©Ellie Kurttz Photography, captured via Zoom



MAP Digital Inc.

For 20+ years, we have served as a leader and innovator in the virtual event space offering our robust MetaMeetings platform to clients across the globe.